Saturday, April 17, 2010

the Encounter

I felt the electricity bolted all throughout my body at the mere touch of your hand. You looked deep straight into my eyes and whispered something inaudible in my ear. No, I did not understand what you just said. But I didn't care. All I cared about was that you're standing in front of me, staring at me with the most sincere pair of eyes I've ever seen in my entire life. As you stare, I could feel your heart talking to mine in language only the two of us could understand.

We closed the gap between us inch by inch, and before we knew it, we found each other floating as we kissed passionately. It was the most passionate of all kisses. I closed my eyes to savour every moment. In my mind, I would like to preserve the intense feeling of your lips against mine.

We both grasped for air as our lips drifted apart. Looking sincerely into my eyes, you started to run your fingers from my cheeks, down to my neck, then lower, tracing every contour, exploring every single curve.


I felt myself shaking as our body became one. You reached deep down inside me then suddenly you paused, looked at me and gave me a sweet kiss. Then we moved rhythmically in beat that only we could hear. I closed my eyes to feel both the pain and the pleasure you're giving me, and even with my eyes closed, I could feel you staring at me, sweat falling down from your forehead to my cheeks. You moved slowly at first, and the thrusts became faster and faster as the heat intensified. We paused for a split-second as our bodies screamed for release.

The anticipated took place.

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