Friday, February 22, 2013

Dark Willow's Lament

how many times are we permitted to live?
is it but once? oh, but such miracle then
that the rivers have dried and the rain
had ceased to fall yet i - understand, i!
why then do i continue to exist?

i do not wish to stay in a game
where the field has become barren
rid me of this detestable miracle!
let the world shatter into pieces!
let it know of the agony inside!

how sweeter it is for everything to stop
none of the pain, none of the confussion
all will know of the elusive peace
and is that not a formidable reason?
is that not, after all, the logical conclusion?

how many times are we capable of love?
is it infinite? is it a bounty as rich as the
sands of the earth? perhaps. i have seen it
a million times, but only once did i find
and felt its purest, truest form

once! and lost, how do i get it back again?
oh, to say that i was not a good keeper
to let it stray - sir, bite your tongue!
do not let them fool you, gentlemen
the angels are scheming thieves!

yes, thieves! jealous, lonely, bitter thieves
how dare they take her away, so young
so young and full of promise, the lass!
a million red roses could never hope to compare -
and then a click... there... she's gone, forever...

once, there was life... and once, there was love
once, there was bliss... and once, there was laughter
once, there was magic... and once, there was passion
once, there was hope... and once, there was chance
once, there was i... and once... once, there was you

- Author Unknown

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