Monday, September 01, 2014


It's September, the ninth month of the year. It simply indicates that the year is almost about to end.

This year is indeed another adventure to me. I had a condition that affected my physical health. I had kidney stones, my uric acid went high, and so is my blood sugar and cholesterol. After months of medications, thank God, I am well. Though my uric and blood sugar is still high, it's not that bad anymore. It's just a way to keep me grounded, and be more responsible and good steward of my health.

I learned a lot from it, and I'm grateful to God for the experience. And forever be grateful to Him coz He always take me to a new horizon.

Yes, I made new friends, and few enemies. It's because of the decision that I believe is best for everybody. They may misunderstood it, but in the long run, they will appreciate it. So I just lift my head high, and trust everything to the ONE who give me all this.

Guide me Oh Lord. Always and forever!

September, you'll be good to me.

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